segunda-feira, 28 de março de 2011

Colapso Econômico, Fome e Miséria Programados e Iminentes.

1 comentário:

  1. Hi Fernando,

    I was born in Ponta Delgada, but now I live in the United States. I just listened to your Wall post video from Alex Jones: Colapso Econômico, Fome e Miséria Programados e Iminentes. It is sad but it is true that the Federal Reserve in the United States is corrupt along with the Elite rich Corporations.

    However, there are still honest politicians in this world like “Ron Paul” in the United States who are trying to educate the American public. Can you tell me who do you consider to be honest politicians in the Azores and do you listen to Alex Jones News frequently?


Discuta. Opine. Tome partido. Não insulte.